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LIAO Ming Shun
LIAO Ming Shun, aged 60, is the chief financial officer and vice president of the Company and general manager of the Group’s financial management centre. Mr. Liao is responsible for the overall capital operation, financing, taxation and integrated financial control of the Company. He served senior management positions in various largescale enterprises. Prior to joining the Company, he was the director, chief financial controller and general manager of the finance company of the Ministry of Agriculture of Fujian Province and Fujian Great World Enterprises Group Company Limited, the independent director of Fujian Dongbai Enterprise Group Company Limited (SH stock code: 600693), the vice secretary general of private branch of Fujian Accounting Institute, the secretary general of real estate branch of Fujian Taxpayers’ Club. He obtained a bachelor’s degree in rural finance from Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, and was awarded a master’s degree by the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He is also qualified as a Senior Accountant, Senior Economist, International Public Accountant (IPA), Certified Taxation Accountant (CTA), Financial Planner, the Judge Panel of the Committee of China’s Corporate Financial Valuation Experts, and external instructor for master’s degree students at Fujian Agricultural University. He was awarded one of the “Top CFOs for 2012 by the Xinlicai Magazine of Ministry of Finance” (財政部新理財CFO 2012年度人物獎), “2013 China’s Financial Value Leadership Award” (2013年度中國財務價值領軍人物獎), “2014 Huazun Award – Top 10 most Respected Brand Builders who promoted the economic development of the industry” (2014年華尊獎-推動行業經濟發展最受尊敬十大品牌人物), “2015 CFODC – China’s Top 10 Capital Operators” (2015年CFO發展中心中國資本運營TOP 10人物), “2017 Asia 10 Brand Innovation Personality Award” (2017亞洲十大創新人物獎) awarded by the Asia Brand Ceremony Committee, “2019 China Financing Award (Hong Kong) – ‘Best CFO’” (2019中國融資大獎(香港)「最佳財務總監」), “2020 China Real Estate Huabiao Award – ‘Outstanding CFO of Property Developers’” (2020年中國地產華表獎「卓越房企CFO」), “CEFO JF Awards – ‘2020 Outstanding Strategy Execution Award’” (CEFO • 介浦獎「2020年度傑出戰略執行獎」), “2021 CFO with Best Leadership in Property Sector” (2021年度地產最具領導力CFO) and 2023 Outstanding Leaders of Branded Real Estate Enterprises in China (2023年度中國品牌地產卓越領導者). He joined the Company in August 2009.
HONG Qun Feng
HONG Qun Feng, aged 51, is the vice president of the Company and is currently responsible for the major customers division and other investments and financial affairs of the Company. Prior to joining the Group, Mr. Hong was the assistant to the general manager of Xiamen Chengyi Property Development Co. (廈門誠毅房地產開發公司) and the founder and general manager of Xiamen Bairun Property Consulting Co. Ltd. (廈門百潤房地產顧問有限公司). He received an EMBA degree from SEM of Tongji University and an EMBA degree from Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business. He joined the Company in 2005, and has been the general manager of the Powerlong Land business division, general manager of Guangdong business division, etc., in charge of the overall business and operational management of the Powerlong Land business division and Guangdong business division successively.
LV Cui Hua
LV Cui Hua, aged 44, is a vice president and the general manager of business division 1 of the Company, being responsible for the overall business as well as operation and management. Ms. Lv was the person-in-charge of the cost control department of Youfu (Shanghai) Company Limited (友富(上海)有限公司) and the person-in-charge of the contract department of CapitaLand China (凱德置地(中國)). Ms. Lv received an EMBA degree from Tongji University. She joined the Company in May 2010.
XIAO Ying Lin
XIAO Ying Lin, aged 46, is a company secretary of the Company and secretary of the Board. Ms. Xiao is responsible for the listing and compliance management of the Company. She is a fellow member of the Chartered Governance Institute (formerly known as the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators of the United Kingdom) and The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries as well as a member of The Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Ms. Xiao also acted as a company secretary and secretary of the board of Lianhua Supermarket Holdings Co., Ltd. (HK stock code: 0980). She has 18 years of extensive experience in company secretarial, capital operation, compliance, information disclosure and investor relations fields. She holds a master’s degree in finance from Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences in 2000. She acted as a company secretary of the Company from October 2012 to October 2015 and rejoined the Company in October 2016.